Empowering Individuals, Empowering Communities
We offer courses to help you deal with mental health at home and the workplace.
We will support guide and signpost anyone who has thoughts and behaviours of suicide.
Helping prevent suicide by learning the warning signs, promoting prevention and resilience, and committing to social change.
Training Courses on:
Mental Heath First Aid
Mentally Heathy Work Places
Informal Suicide Awareness Sessions
Early Intervention
We will support, guide and signpost anyone who has thoughts and behaviours of suicide, supporting people through there wellness journey to better mental state and beyond to full recovery.
We are here for your needs, don't be afraid to get in touch
Scottish Mental Heath First Aid
12 hour course over 2 days
Mentally Healthy Workplaces
4 hour half day course
Informal Suicide & Mental Health Awareness Sessions
What will I learn on the course?
What happens on a SMHFA course?
The course takes 12 hours and is often run on two separate days. Sometimes it will be in shorter sessions over two, four or six weeks.
It is an interesting course that includes different activities, films, discussions and even some fun and laughter.
You will get a certificate of attendance and a colourful and interesting manual to take away with you at the end so that you can remind yourself of what you’ve learned. The aims of SMHFA are:
The course will give you the knowledge to apply these aims in a real life situation.
This course is an accredited NHS training course.
Learn the key factors that contribute to a mentally healthy workplace
Gain a broad understanding of mental health in the work place
Ensure awareness of responsibilities in relation to health and wellbeing
Improve skills and confidence in dealing with mental health in workplace.
on group-specific learning, educate and empower all in communities to understand, and have the confidence to know it's ok to ask the question rather than avoid the question altogether. We aim to raise awareness of suicide the facts, and how to ask the question in confidence, using the word suicide in everyday conversations.
We will support guide and signpost anyone who has thoughts and behaviours of suicide, supporting people through there wellness journey to better mental state and beyond to full recovery.
We use inhouse volunteers and staff however we refer most people on to external third sector partner agencies as well professional services if required. They never fell along we are here to listen non judgementally creating hope for all.
Our Staff are trained in CBT NLP and are all Mental Health First aiders .
All our Volenteers are also Mental health first aiders .
Open 24/7. Call 111 and choose the mental health option.
Open 24/7.
116 123
Open Monday to Thursday. 6pm-2am and 6pm-6am from Friday Evening to Monday Morning.
0800 838 587
For age 35 and under, open 24/7
0800 684 141 or text 07860039967
Age 19 and under, open 24/7
0800 11 11